I think it is great to win contests, save money, and pass on all your knowledge to someone else who needs it. Pay it forward is a great way to spend your life. It is great to receive, but it is also rewarding to give. And who needs it better than a child from a third world country who is poor and doesn’t have the everyday comforts that we have like Timmy’s coffee, Starbucks, etc…
Really to give someone a better life, $35.00 a month is not bad at all. It is very reasonable. If you were ever in a situation where you needed help, you would be grateful to receive it. So I think it is great to help those who need it whether it just be a small gift or something much better. Remember one day you might need the same help especially with the economy the way it is.
I have been giving for about a year to a child in Kenya from Compassion and hopefully one day she will have a good enough life that she will be able to give back too! But I’m sure she will pay it forward too!
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